
Have you ever imagined turning every software company into a payment powerhouse? At Payabli, that’s exactly what we’re doing. In the latest episode of the Leaders in Payments Podcast, our co-founders and co-CEOs, Jo Phillips and Will Corbera, share their visionary work in the payments industry. They discuss how we’re transforming software businesses with a unified API for payment acceptance, issuance, and operational management.

Jo’s journey began in his grandfather’s jewelry business in Southern California, while Will’s multicultural upbringing took him across Miami, Barcelona, and Costa Rica. These diverse experiences have uniquely equipped them to lead Payabli and drive innovation in the fintech space.

In the podcast, Jo and Will offer insider advice for newcomers to the payments industry, emphasizing the importance of understanding the payments value chain, having a mentor, and focusing on a specific vertical. They also express their gratitude to our hardworking team and announce exciting job openings at Payabli—an excellent opportunity for aspiring fintech professionals.

Jo and Will also encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to take the leap into the fintech space, highlighting its potential for disruption and innovation. Tune in to the episode for expert insights and inspiring stories straight from the leaders of Payabli.

Listen to the full episode here.